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February 2014
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Spay/Neuter Awareness Month

February is BC SPCA Spay/Neuter Awareness Month. Spay and neuter are procedures that pets undergo to prevent unwanted litters – because there are already more animals than homes available.

Want to join us in learning and spreading the word about this important issue? Try these activities:

 Fact or Fiction?

Fact or Fiction?
There are a lot of stories about spay and neuter floating around out there. Read these three common stories, guess if they’re fact or fiction, then scroll to the bottom to find the answers.

  1. “Spaying and neutering hurt animals.”
  2. “Male pets don’t need to be neutered because they don’t have babies.”
  3. “Kittens can have kittens.”
 Cat Math

Cat Math
Want to know how easy – or difficult – it would be to find homes for an accidental litter of kittens? Do our “Oh my… kittens” activity to crunch the numbers!

 Colouring for a Cause

Colouring for a Cause
Tell others about the importance of spaying and neutering. Colour our Billions of Bunnies colouring sheet or make an eye-catching poster of your own to display at school or in the community.

National Cupcake Day!

National Cupcake Day

Get ready! National Cupcake Day for SPCAs and Humane Societies is on Monday, February 24. All over Canada, animal lovers are going to be baking and decorating cupcakes to give away in exchange for donations! Here in B.C., you can participate and raise money for the BC SPCA. Visit to sign up, get baking and decorating tips and learn about hosting a Cupcake Day Party at school. Registration is free, but don’t forget to ask your parents!

And while you’re in baking mode, why not make some cupcakes – or should we say pupcakes – for your dog? Just follow this recipe for healthy and delicious Apple Crunch Pupcakes.

Want to make even more tasty treats for your dog? Try these Cinnamon Bun Bites and these Peanut Butter and Banana Treats. After all, February 23 is International Dog Treat Appreciation Day!

Pet ID Craft

Pet ID tag

Be prepared in case your pet goes missing! Make sure he or she has proper identification. That means an ID tag and a tattoo or microchip.

Did you know you can create your own pet ID tag at home out of materials in your recycling bin? They’re called Shrinky Dinks, and they’re a ton of fun!

Learn more about why identification is so important by solving our Pet ID crossword and spread the word with our ID Your Pets colouring sheet!

Furry Friend of the Month

Cocoa and Cinnamon

February's Furry Friends of the Month are guinea pigs Cocoa and Cinnamon.

These adorable sisters arrived at the Nelson SPCA together, and they'd like to find a forever home together, too! They enjoy gentle attention from people and just being guinea pigs! You can learn more about caring for a guinea pig (or two) with our Guinea Pig Care Guide.

Please note: Cocoa and Cinnamon were available for adoption at the time this article was written, and may have found their forever home since then. Visit the BC SPCA website to discover more furry friends currently looking for homes.

Fact or Fiction: Answers


1. Fiction. The surgery is done after pets are given a drug to make them sleep (anesthetic). They don’t feel the surgery at all and recover quickly.

2. Fiction. Males can be an even bigger part of the pet overpopulation problem than females. Because they can mate with several females each year, they can be responsible for many more babies than each unspayed female.

3. Fact. A kitten can have her first litter of kittens as early as five months old. It is important to spay kittens early.


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