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BC SPCA Animals news alert
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Every litter bit hurts

A duck tangled in a six-pack ring, unable to fly. A skunk stuck in a plastic jar, slowly starving to death. Every day, wild animals are hurt or killed by our trash. With Earth Day approaching, now is the perfect time to take action for wildlife. Why not start with a community clean-up?

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Get your tickets for 2014 Lottery...For the Animals

Early bird deadline for tickets is April 27 for the BC SPCA’s 2014 Lottery… For the Animals. Each year the lottery funds urgently needed medical care, cruelty investigations, sheltering, spay and neuter services, adoption, foster care programs and other services for homeless and abused animals in BC SPCA shelters across the province. Know your limit. Play within it. 19+

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What will you do to prevent animal abuse?

We can all take action to provide a safety net for our province’s vulnerable animals and to prevent animal abuse before it ever begins. If you’ve ever wanted to make a difference after hearing about a case of animal cruelty in the news, here are five things you can do to help. Take action today.

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Celebrating our volunteers: the BC SPCA thanks you

Every day, more than 4,000 volunteers help at the BC SPCA’s 42 locations throughout the province. Whether walking dogs, completing clerical work, helping low-income pet guardians care for their beloved furry friends or enriching the environments of wildlife in BC SPCA care, among many other tasks, the BC SPCA is recognizing its volunteers during National Volunteer Week.

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Adopt me!

Nanu is a handsome, older gentleman looking for a retirement home. He doesn’t require much to be happy and offers affection warmly when he feels safe in his environment.

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Read my happy "tail"!

Finding a forever home that fits just right is key at the BC SPCA. It took some time for Montana, a lovable mix in Prince George, but now he’s happy with a loving family.

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BC SPCA events near you

What do running, books and burgers have in common? If done the right way, all can benefit the BC SPCA.

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Supporter of the month

For 12 years, John and Janet Pattinson’s support has had a tremendous impact on the BC SPCA’s Shuswap Branch.

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   220 x 110 camp banner  220 x 110 SPCA critter banner

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The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BC SPCA) is a non-profit organization funded primarily by public donations. Our mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in British Columbia. BC SPCA Charitable Registration No. BN 11881 9036 RR0001

 On behalf of all the animals we care for and protect, thank you for your support.

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