Ziggy was originally a stray from Duncan and came into the Nanaimo BC SPCA with some concerning health issues. He appeared to have vision impairment along with dental issues and an ear infection.
Ziggy is a great little dog with a whole life ahead of him, hes only 1 yr old and has clearly been through a lot in him short lifetime.
Ziggy requires specialized eye surgery to remove a painful and uncomfortable eye that doesn't have any vision- the cause of which is unknown. He also came in with an ear infection and required medication to treat, and also needs oral surgery for an over crowded mouth that makes it painful for him to eat.
This sweet boy is great with other animals and seems to enjoy company of kids and all people he meets on his journey. Despite his pain, he is just a little love-pug that will make an excellent companion - once he is healthy enough to become one.
Please help Ziggy by donating to his medical fund today.
Personal updates for Ziggy will be provided to anyone who donates to his campaign.
*Goal includes: surgery, medication, vaccinations, regular health check, and daily care for Ziggy until he’s ready for adoption. If his medical costs and cost of care is less than is raised in his name, additional funds will provide care for other animals.