Four orphan kittens have been through a traumatic time. Scared and hungry without mom, these babies were discovered at only one week old at a local dump and it was clear they had horrifyingly gone through the trash compactor. The workers at the dump could hear their cries, and were fortunately able to find them in the rubble. We don’t know exactly what area the kittens came from as they were picked up somewhere along the trash route.
There were three other babies who sadly did not survive, and we were very worried about these guys but thankfully they have all been little fighters and are improving each day! One kitten is missing 2 toes on his back foot due to trauma from the compactor, and all have some bruising and cuts that can be treated.
The kittens have been named Cabo, Storm, Rosa & Maizie. They require a few months of round the clock bottle feeding with kitten milk replacer, regular medical monitoring and neuter/spay surgeries when they are old enough. They are trying to figure out how to grab onto their bottles but right now their little paws just wave excitedly in the air during meal time!
These four have not had a good introduction to the world and deserve to be shown the love we all know they deserve! Will you help these siblings get as healthy as they can be?
Personal updates for Cabo & Siblings will be provided to anyone who donates to their campaign.
*Goal includes: surgery, medication, treatment, vaccinations, regular health check, and daily care for Cabo & Siblings until they are ready for adoption. If their medical costs and cost of care is less than is raised in their names, additional funds will provide care for other animals.