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We’ve got more than a million reasons to thank you!

Wow – thanks to your amazing support and participation, BC SPCA’s Million Acts of Kindness was a massive success! During the past 10 months, your kind acts helped us reach – and surpass – our goal of one million acts of kindness to improve the lives of British Columbia’s companion, farm and wild animals.

From spreading important animal welfare messages like pledging to never leave your pet in a hot car to purchasing cage-free eggs, we can’t thank you enough for fighting cruelty with kindness and showing us just how much being kind counts for our province’s most vulnerable animals.

We are thrilled that so many people make kindness to animals a part of their day to day life. With your tremendous compassion we look forward to another year of kindness in 2016. The animals are lucky to have you all as friends!


Thanking BMO BC SPCA MasterCard users for their kindness

A big thank you to BMO BC SPCA MasterCard cardholders, who together did more than 111,000 kind acts for animals in just the first three months of our movement! How did they do it?

Every time a BMO BC SPCA MasterCard cardholder made a purchase using their card, a donation is made to the BC SPCA and animals in need. Learn more about how to sign up for the BMO BC SPCA MasterCard, and help the animals while you shop at no additional cost to you.

Thank you again to all BMO BC SPCA MasterCard users for their kindness!


Thank You!

A huge thank-you to each of you for participating in our Million Acts of Kindness movement and helping us build towards our target of one million kind acts for animals in 2015! We’re thrilled to have the support of celebrities like singer Jann Arden and others for our campaign.

Watch their videos…

Kindness is contagious!

“The purpose of the campaign is to celebrate the amazing work that is already being done to create more humane communities throughout B.C. and to encourage animal lovers in the province to help save even more animal lives,” says Lorie Chortyk, general manager of community relations for the BC SPCA. Each week throughout 2015, the website will feature a new act of kindness for animals - participants can choose to do one act or challenge themselves to do more. “Every act makes an incredible difference for the animals,” says Chortyk. “Our goal is to inspire as many ‘kindness ambassadors’ as possible to help us reach one million acts.”

She notes that the weekly challenges will be something that everyone can easily do, regardless of age or whether or not they currently have a pet. Examples of the acts of kindness range from switching to cage-free eggs or sharing a shelter animal’s profile with friends to emailing local MLAs to encourage their support for animal issues. The acts will be tallied and updated monthly on the website and will include acts of kindness for abused, injured, neglected and homeless animals carried out by the BC SPCA.

“The BC SPCA was created in 1895 by a small group of caring individuals who had the courage to take a stand against animal cruelty and abuse. Today the BC SPCA is one of the largest animal welfare organizations of its kind in North America,” says Chortyk. “What better way to celebrate the vision of our founders than to carry on their legacy of compassion with this campaign?”

Sign up now at and share the link with your family and friends. If one kind act can change the life of an animal forever, imagine what a million acts will do!


Million Acts of Kindness Launch!

Craig Daniell, BC SPCA CEO launches Million Acts of Kindness by taking a ‘felfie’ to share, and spread the word. You can to! #millionacts